Sunday, April 5, 2009

Cagayake! GIRLS - K-ON OP

It seems the OP for the band anime K-ON has gained popularity. Here are a couple versions of people performing.

Dame Ningen (ダメ人間) on the guitar.

Dame Ningen's (ダメ人間) mylist/4439983

Goth Loli Hime (ゴスロリ姫) on the bass, guitar and drums. Also kind of annoyed with all the English comments.

Goth Loli Hime's (ゴスロリ姫) mylist/7038088

Ukon (うこん), a Kyonko cosplayer, on the bass.

Ukon's (うこん) mylist/10691143

1 comment:

natt said...

to be honest, i can't tell the difference between the people in the last two videos :D

the goth loli one is so talented, but then again if you can play more than 2-3 instruments really well, you're godly in my books. the only comments i can read in the video are the vulgar ones lol nice..